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Market Brief – October 2022: Election Blues

Published on October 26, 2022

Writing about politics in this era feels akin to walking into a lion’s den slathered in BBQ sauce. However dangerous it feels, as we head into a highly contentious November 8th its important you have some perspective about mid-term elections and the stock market.

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Spirits 101 – American Whites

Published on August 10, 2022

Wineries can be found in every state, even Alaska has four winemakers, and below you will find my favorite American grapes and the best regions to source those wines.

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Spirits 101 – All About Champagne

Published on June 15, 2022

Champagne is great all the time. Celebrations? Check. Date night? Check. Casual night in? Check. Point is, there is no wrong occasion to enjoy a nice glass of Champagne! Possibly During these warm summer days while you are out on your patio dreaming of cooler fall weather, here are some pointers on what to look for on your Champagne label. Even if it’s in a different language you should review: Location, Vintage, Sweetness and what Stemware you use.

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Market Brief – April 2022: April Showers, May Questions

Published on April 26, 2022

Markets have enthusiastically reminded us about volatility and risk so far this year, but being an investor means occasionally taking your knocks when markets are down. There has been nowhere to hide in 2022, with stocks and bonds both taking a beating and minimal havens (gold, cash, energy) to provide support.

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